About us/關於我們


「 艸祭製麵 CHAOJI 」位於蘇澳冷泉旁,「艸祭製麵 CHAOJI」,它承載著超過70年的記憶與技藝。從複雜的世界繞了一大圈,最終回到了最初的純粹與簡單。

艸祭製麵 CHAOJI Since1953,In Taiwan Suao Cold Spring.  carries more than 70 years of memory and skills. After a long detour from the complex world, we still still persist to the original purity and simplicity.


終年 22℃ 冷泉水,最喜愛沁涼這片土地。



在經歷了外界的繁華與喧囂後,家族的下一代選擇回到家鄉。他們重新審視這片土地,發現了蘇澳的自然之美,決定將祖輩的傳統與現代技術結合。如今的「艸祭製麵 CHAOJI」,不僅僅是一家製麵工廠,更是一個代表著台灣傳統與現代交融的故事。每一根麵條,都蘊含著對純粹的追求,對土地的敬意,以及對家鄉的深情厚誼。麵食不僅是食物,更是連結過去與未來的紐帶。

Their origins can be traced back to more than half a century ago, when our grandparents worked on this land and made every noodle with care. The skill of making noodles has also been passed down from generation to generation in this environment and has become a valuable asset of the family.

Over time, the world has become more complex, and advances in the food industry have made additives the norm. However, each generation in the family has always believed that the best flavor comes from the purest ingredients. Adhering to the belief of “no additives”, this is not only a way of making noodles, but also an attitude towards life.

After experiencing the prosperity and hustle and bustle of the outside world, the next generation of the family chose to return to their hometown. They re-examined the land, discovered the natural beauty of Su’ao, and decided to combine the traditions of their ancestors with modern technology. Today’s “Chiji Noodle Making CHAOJI” is not only a noodle making factory, but also a story that represents the blend of Taiwanese tradition and modernity. Every noodle contains the pursuit of purity, respect for the land, and deep affection for hometown. Pasta is not only food, but also a link between the past and the future.